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SaaS management
for International teams

Your everyday is dynamic enough - let us help you to take control of your cloud software stack while managing multiple projects at once.

Become one of the 10 companies to use Affire for free

Software dashboard
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How Affire works

We integrate with your favourite SaaS providers and get real-time data

so you can make data driven decisions.

Software analytics dashboard

Increased Security

Time efficiency

Save employee hours

Statistics and analytics

Optimise Spend

Why Choose Affire

Employee onboarding automation

No more manual employee onboarding and offboarding on the available SaaS in your company. Automate the process by setting up workflows to lessen manual work, security risks and increase transparency.

Automate SaaS access management

Ever realised you're paying for SaaS your employees haven't used for months? Or even better - paying for employees who no longer work for you? Gain an overview of all of your unassigned, used and unused licenses in one place to know where you can optimise your SaaS spend. 

Control your SaaS spend 

Man sitting at computer
Working in Office
Notification on unassigned SaaS licenses

Identify security risks

Get notified of possible security risks to always be on top of your SaaS Operations with little to no effort. Know when someone has access to data they shouldn't have and follow employee behavioral analytics on most used Apps to optimise automation workflows based on real-time analysis.

Get reminded on license renewals

Be in charge and don't let unexpected expenses to take you by surprise. Get reminded when a License renewal is coming up in your most convenient way to never get unknowingly charged again.

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Industry Use cases


For International Localization teams to manage project-based freelancer onboarding and offboarding

Freelancer project-based management, marketing tool license renewals and monitoring SaaS usage

You don't have to spend long hours on Excel to track employee access

We'll take care of it! 

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